Wow! What a great day learning all about Our Lady of Lourdes. We made links to our trust name, learnt about what Our Lady did for us, the meaning of the work words pilgrimage and apparition, where Lourdes is, how many times Our a lady appeared to Saint Bernadette and lots more. We showed Mr Giorgio our work and had a great day, Thank you to Ms Marshall for the photos and short videos to enable me to make this video! Well done Year 2! Thank you, Miss Duong.
Video my and produced by Miss Duong.
The children really enjoyed decorating their candles. Well done, Miss Duong.
Please enjoy our dress dress rehearsal from last week. The children did a fantastic job!! Well done to Class Reception, 1 and 2! Fantastic! I hope you enjoy the video, Miss Duong
We learnt lots about how we can grow more during Lent. Miss Duong.
Thank you to all parents who helped the children to make their crosses. Here's a short video to show you what the children have been doing with them. Thank you. Video filmed and produced by Miss Duong
Holy Cross took part in the Diocesan Schools Adoration Day